A Phenomenal Cycling Weekend!
We are overjoyed to report that the first ever Faux Eroica weekend event was a great success! Albeit hurriedly thrown together to accommodate all the vintage cyclists that were already committed to participate in the cancelled 2021 Eroica California, VeloCambria hosted three rides over Friday, Saturday and Sunday and had several US Champion cyclist’s participate in the rides.
The roster of legendary cyclists included:
- John Howard, the four time U.S National Champion (1968, 1972, 1973 & 1975), 1981 Ironman Triathlon Champion, three time U.S. Olympic Team Cyclist and at one time holder of the fastest person on a paced bicycle at 152 mph at the Bonneville Salt Flats
- Bruce Donaghy, the six time U.S National Champion and two time top ten finisher in the World Cycling championships
The town of Cambria was honored to have them along with other past U.S. Pro and Master Cyclists participate.
The weekend also assembled some of the world’s most beautiful vintage steel frame bikes. Pour over the “Gallery of Vintage Steel” below and note that our bike shop specializes in the restoration, sales and rental of either period-correct or customized vintage steel frame bicycles too.
The group of cyclists enjoyed three picturesque rides along the California coastline:
- Ragged Point ride
- Lighthouse ride
- Santa Rosa Creek ride
See ride maps here.
Take time to stop and smell the roses. Or if you’re Rick Denman, have an up-close and personal encounter with a roadside tarantula.
Cycling Legends, left to right:
John Howard, Bruce Donaghy, Tom Chew, Rich Ross, Ron Friedman, (back row) Rick Denman and Dave Garfield. Most of these guys have cycling bios on Google.
The Faux Eroica event was well attended and came off without a hitch, aside from a Tarantula (see pic above) that was blocking the road on the Santa Rosa Creek ride. VeloCambria was overjoyed to provide robust coffee and pastries for all participants before each ride, and a Mexican buffet “Meet & Greet” following the Friday and Saturday rides. The riders enjoyed the VeloCambria’s back yard, commiserating with their cycling heroes from the seventies and eighties.
On the sidewalks and streets in front of the bike shop, “Roller Racing” let for riders warm up and watch the champions John Howard, Tom Chew, Bruce Donaghy have a good time “competing” for roller bragging rights. A huge thanks to avid cyclist and top level cycling competitor, Rick Denman, for helping us put our weekend event together along with hosting and emceeing our rides.
Authentic Eroica California has been rescheduled for April 2022 and VeloCambria looks forward to seeing you all then. However, based upon the success of our Faux Eroica event weekend, keep an eye out for notifications of future vintage steel frame cycling events VeloCambria will be hosting. We plan to have several categories of participation; from a “Period Correct Vintage Steel” class to a General Road category for all those who want to participate, even if you don’t have a vintage steel frame bike. We plan to have four events each year and hope to have one more before the Christmas holidays. So stay tuned and keep riding those beautiful steel frames!
Rich Wingard
Owner, VeloCambria
Weekend Photo Gallery
Breakfast Buffet with Rich’s extra strong French Roast coffee and pastries, just the way riders like it.
Breakfast Buffet with Rich’s extra strong French Roast coffee and pastries, just the way riders like it.
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
More gathering shots in front of the shop & Rick (yellow/green jersey) giving route and ride instructions
Father/Son riders participating. We need more of this. I have some ideas about this, how does “Ride with the Legends” sound.
Father/Son riders participating. We need more of this. I have some ideas about this, how does “Ride with the Legends” sound.
Father/Son riders participating. We need more of this. I have some ideas about this, how does “Ride with the Legends” sound.
Five of the six US Champions from the seventies and eighties came in Saturday evening to enjoy our Mexican buffet and ride the Sunday morning Santa Rosa Creek ride.
Bruce Donaghy (US Bicycling Hall of Famer) getting on the rollers for a little warm-up prior to the ride.
Father/Son riders participating. We need more of this. I have some ideas about this, how does “Ride with the Legends” sound.
Father/Son riders participating. We need more of this. I have some ideas about this, how does “Ride with the Legends” sound.
Father/Son riders participating. We need more of this. I have some ideas about this, how does “Ride with the Legends” sound.
More eye candy with the Cinelli from earlier, beautiful “Campy” Crank and Derailleur detail.
John Howard in his element riding Dave’s vintage Eddy Merckx bike. Dave almost died and went to heaven that John was riding his bike.
John Howard in his element riding Dave’s vintage Eddy Merckx bike. Dave almost died and went to heaven that John was riding his bike.
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
More rare & beautiful steel or as Bruce Donaghy describes them bikes with soul. (Based upon the fact that they are each independently handmade with and each has unique qualities and personality)
Rick Denman-, John Howard (19 US consecutive Titles and World Speed on a Bike Record Holder (152 mph on Bonneville Salt Flats with a pace vehicle and shroud for drafting) until it was broken two weeks ago by a gal that he trained to break it, & Tom Chew (US Professional- 1985)
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